- Turbidity
- turbity or raw water is measured by turbidity rod / turbidometer
- The standard unit of turbidity is mg/l or ppm
- the unit of turbidity 1 mg silica divided by 1 litre of distilled water
- turbidity for drinking water is vary 5 to 10 units
- turbity in clear lake is about 25 units
- And for muddy lake is about 100 units
- The desolve organic matter from decay and inorganic matter such as coloured soil may impart to the colour to water.
- The excessive growth of algae and adequatic micro-organism also impart colour to the
- however the colour of water concidered objectionable from phychological point of view
- The colour or water from the health of view is not objectionable
- But colour may spoil cloth being washed
- The standart unit of colour is1 mg platinum cobalt dessolved in one litre distilled water
- the maximum permissible colour for domestic supply is 20 ppm
- for the public supply colour number on cobalt scale not exceed 20 and not lessthan 10
3. Taste and Odour
- the dissolved orgenic matter and dissolved gasesimpart the taste and odour of the water
- dissolved gases such as H2S,CO2,O2,CH4...etc
- for the drinking purpose the water must not containany objectionable taste and odour
- for the public supply the water should be free from odour and odour number should be 1 and not exceed 3
4. Temprature
- for the potable water 10 degree celcius temprature highly desirable
- Temprature above 25 degree celcius concidered objectionable
- specific conductivity of the water is the ability of water to conduct electricity
- pure water is poor conductor of electricity
- The specific conductivity is measured by potable ionic water tester called conductivity sensor
- onductivity is measured in (mhos)
- mhos = 1amp/1valt
- or 1mhos = 1seimen this unit is renamed by ISO
- In clean water it range is (micro seimen/cm = 1*10^-6 seimen/cm)
- specific conductivity of water is increased with the increasing temprature so it's measured at 25 degree celcius (standatd temprature )
- to convert micro (seimen./cm) into ppm we will have to multiply by conductiity facotor
- conductivity factor vary from 0.54 to 0.96 and generrally it's taken 0.67
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